Terms & Conditions (“Terms”)

Last Amended: April 11, 2023


Terms And Conditions of Services 

All the terms, conditions and considerations contained in this agreement shall insure to the mutual benefit of the parties. 

Cool And Pure Air Conditioners Inc  referred here to as “Company” shall provide the services described on this document according to their standard and conditions set forth bellow: 

The client must attend and arrange the times, recommendations and spaces required by the company for the performance of its services. 

The client understands and agree that the services may not totally clean or remove dirt or contaminants, odors, stains or damages even after the best, reasonable and diligent effort of the Company.  

The Company improves their services with certified, suitable and safe supplies, Client understand and agree that the results or levels of cleaning, decontamination or restoration have to do with the effectiveness of these supplies, therefore the guarantee of the services does not be or go beyond that these given by the manufacturers, therefore the Company is excepted from such warranties, guaranties and responsibilities. In addition to the above, the client accepts that it is hidden but there may be inappropriate materials and / or installation errors that may affect the good result of the Company’s services; The company will not be responsible for damages caused by supplies to these materials. 

The products used by the company do not have a hazardous classification, however the company complies with standards to warn the customer of potential risks. The client receives and signs a copy of the data sheet, accepts the risks it describes and hereby releases and forever discharges The Company its employees, contractor, agents, owners, managers, etc. from any and all claims as to injures, damages and or health problems, whether know or unknown. 

Payments are due upon completion of work; payments must be delivered at the company’s bank account excepts for financing method provided by third party. Conditions, charges, costs, interest, fees from financial institution have nothing to do with the Company and it will not affect another amounts or terms for Company. Money not paid in full will have a surcharge of at least 18% of the amount owed or the highest lawful interest rate until paid. There will also be an 18% surcharge for any event by the client that causes a delay in the Company’s work that implies having to return an additional day.  Money in advanced are not refundable for cancelation of work from client, will be refundable for cancellation from Company. All cost and or attorney fees required for  

Completion of work: customer agrees to inspect the work immediately upon completion before the Company leaves the place. 

The client will fulfill his commitments and collaborations with the company, otherwise he will be responsible for all cost and / or attorney fees required. 

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Because more than cool you need pure air.